First off, I want to say a HUGE congratulations to my good friend, Mary! Her amazing layout placed second in the
Scenic Route Contest earlier this week. I met Mary through
Scraptivity and she has become a very close friend of mine. She is an amazing scrapbooker - constantly inspiring me - I wish I had half the creative genius she does! She has encouraged me countless times and makes me laugh out loud all the time! She is such a gem - I'm so glad we met and have become such good friends! I know there are great things in store for her!!!! Love ya, girl!
I also want to say congrats to another fellow design team member, Melissa Chapman, for placing in the layout category for the same contest as well!!! It is so awesome to work with such incredibly talented ladies - I feel so privileged and sometimes a little out of place.
Second I want to thank my friend
Tammy for giving me the code for adding links to my blog posts. This woman is a computer genius!!!! She is so helpful and kind - always answering my silly questions and doing so for many, many others too! We've never met in real life but I hope we get to some day soon. THANKS for all your help, Tammy!!!!!
And I also wanted to show you some of the gifts I made for Christmas this year. These are for some of the ladies in my life. Super quick and easy to make! I hope they like them! I'm also doing a little make 'n' take of these at
Bliss next Friday afternoon. Isn't that Donna Downey incredible?!?!
Oh and speaking of Donna Downey, I heard a rumour that she is coming to EDMONTON in April!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I am so excited!!!! I am TOTALLY going to that convention. These things rarely come to Canada and especially not Alberta!!!! Woohoo! If you want any details about this, send me an email!