Wednesday, March 14, 2007


it's been so long since I last updated. Helayna's started teething so we've had some rather long nights and fussy days.
We've also been hanging out with friends lately and it's been so good (especially for mommy)! I'll update again soon!


Blogger Tyler and Melinda said...

Yeah, visits with friends are so good. I realize just how much I need them now that I don't have them very often. Teeth, already? The changes come a mile a minute; soon she'll be talking and walking. Hope you get a few winks the next few nights.

4:58 PM  
Blogger MonaS! said...

get those teething rings ready! Glad to hear that you are hanging out with friends cuz teething can be tough. WOW - she is growing fast isn't she?!

9:12 PM  
Blogger Vanessa Gooch said...

Oh I totally understand--the dreaded teething phase. It would be so easy if they just popped right through and didn't go up and down, in and out and make our little ones so miserable (and mommy and daddy so tired)! And what perfect timing to be hanging out with friends! :o)

11:09 PM  

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