She's here!!!!
Helayna Lorraine was born October 25th at 8:33am. She weighs 6lbs. 6oz. and is 19 inches long. She came early and quickly (my water broke at 11pm, contractions started at midnight, we got to the hospital at 6:30am and she was born at 8:33am). We are all doing really well and couldn't have asked for a better experience. The staff at the hospital was amazing. Our doula was priceless. Jonathan was so encouraging and helpful (as usual) and he is one VERY proud daddy. She is absolutely beautiful and we are so thrilled she is here!
And of course I can't get photos to load! :( :( :( I promise I will try again later today though!
And of course I can't get photos to load! :( :( :( I promise I will try again later today though!
Oh, I'm so very happy for you and Jonathan, Heather! I just saw photos of Helayna (beautiful name, btw!) on your mom's site and she's just priceless! Oh, the hair!! I'm so jealous - Aili was nearly bald for a year! :)
I can't wait to see and hear more about your precious new family!! {{{hugs}}}
Oh Heather I am so excited for you and Jonathan, little girls are so very precious, and I love the name you have given your's. I can't wait to see her photos, I bet she is as gorgeous as you are!!!
Congratulations my friend!!!
Congratulations Heather & Jonathon...welcome to the world miss Helayna!
Off to see the pics on your mom's site....I'm sure she's a proud Grandma too.
CONGRATS to you and Jonathan, Heather!! I have been stalking your blog for an "official" announcement! I too have been reading your mom's blog! She is just perfect! I am so excited about you having a girl and your sister having a girl too! They are going to be the best of friends!
Huge congrats to you and Jonathan!!!! Helayna is beautiful!!! Love the fullhead of hair (my boys were baldies). Enjoy!!!
Congratulations, Heather!! I'm so happy for you that it was a good (& pretty quick!) experience and that you have a beautiful, healthy baby girl!
Yah! I'm so excited, and so happy Helayna was born. I'm the proud aunt here in Poland telling everyone about my neice. I saw some pictures from mom. She's beautiful. I can't wait to hold and cuddle with her. I'm so proud of you, and can't wait to talk soon to hear more details. Love you so much.
CONGRATULATIONS Heather and Jonathan! Welcome to the world Helayna!
wow wow wow heather!!! so many congratulations! i didn't realize you'd worked so close up to the time you'd have the baby! i thought you had like months to go! ;)
can't wait to see pictures of the new little babe! so happy to hear it all went well!
Congratulations Heather & Jonathan! I saw pictures on your Mom's blog.. Helayna is so sweet. What a beautiful, perfect baby!!!
Congratulations :):)
She's a little cutee!
Ohhhhhhhhhhh she is gorgeous!!!! Lucky lucky LUCKY you!!! :) I'm so glad everything went well! Congratulations and hugs to you both! :)
Very happy for you and Jonathon. Welcome to the world baby Helayna. Glad to hear that you and baby are doing well.
Congratulations!!! Helayna is beautiful!
Heather! Congratulations!! Love the name, very pretty!
so fanastic... beautiful photos - so pleased it all went so well for you.
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